云号码 - 全能短信助手






云号码是一款可以在线接收短信的工具App,海量号码可供选择。一次购买永久使用。短信到达率可达100%! 不同国家手机号码,实时在线接收验证码。验证码可达100%。将有更多精彩持续更新中 > 支持内地号码,香港,美国,英国,德国,加拿大,泰国,菲律宾,澳大利亚等国家地区的号码 > 支持多运营商 > 短信实时到达 > 点外卖,打车都有优惠哦 > 给小孩投票,给明星打榜 > 手机号可接收来自微信,支付宝,淘宝,美团,大众点评,抖音等主流APP的验证码 > 还可以注册APP新用户,享受信任优惠,美团,饿了么新客优惠等等 云号码特别适合临时用户体验,您无需真实的手机号去注册,即可完整体验小站小应用的真实用户功能,这将会极大保护您的隐私,隐藏您的手机号,避免手机号信息被滥用! 【VIP会员自动续订说明】 订阅周期:1个月(VIP会员连续包月);3个月(VIP会员连续包季)1年(VIP会员连续包年)。 付款:用户确认购买并付款后记入iTunes账户。 取消续订:如需取消续订,请在当前订阅周期到期前24小时之前手动在iTunes/Apple ID设置管理中关闭自动续订功能。 续订:苹果iTunes账户会在到期前24小时内扣费,扣费成功后续订周期顺延一个订阅周期。 隐私政策:https://docs.qingque.cn/d/home/eZQBVUqDI4782VW9k4-WpNCX0?identityId=1mb3oUyZDN5 用户服务协议:https://docs.qingque.cn/d/home/eZQDJl3zBRmjg_WkMfu5wC8UG?identityId=1mb3oUyZDN5 Make it possible to have different lines for your personal and business needs without an extra SIM Send SMS from your new number Choose a custom phone number from Germany,United States,Thailand,Australia and so on Change any number & choose a different one Use a completely different phone number that you can get rid of at any time, and immediately create a new one if needs be. Make international text from another number at the cheapest rates Get phone verification without interruption from advertising Want online dates to be super safe? Give your dating app matches a secondary number, so that you can manage things easily if blind dates don't go according to your plan! Giving out an alternative number to your new acquaintance from one of those dating apps can be a good idea. Just in case Signing up for platforms that prompt for a phone number, including popular messengers and social networks Your subscription will automatically renew at the end of each billing term and your credit card will be charged through your Apple account. You can turn off auto-renew at any time from your Apple account settings but refunds will not be provided for any unused portion of the term. You can cancel the payment 24 hours before the subscription period ends. There are 3 different selections of payment terms, a month, 3 month and 12 month.


